Monday 11 April 2016

Updated May 6th

The grade two's did such an amazing job today - I am so proud of each and every one of them!
Our field trip to St. Michael Church is on Tuesday, May 10th and I will be contacting those parents who volunteered with more information on Monday.
It is Culture Day on Thursday, May 12th.  Please ensure your child brings something that represents his/her culture.  We will begin our Culture Day at 1:00pm.  Just a reminder, if you decide to send food, please ensure that it is peanut and seafood free. 
It will be my last day of work on Friday, May 13th.  I will be meeting with the teacher that will be taking over some time next week to go over details and provide her with all the resources she needs to finish the year as I would have.  Thanks to my wonderful class and their amazing parents for making this such a great year for me - I'm going to miss everyone!

Updated May 5th

It's our Reader's Theatre Performance tomorrow at 1:15pm - we hope to see you all there!

Updated May 2nd

I sent home a letter regarding our field trip to St. Michael Church today and the day of the week and date is wrong - please note that our field trip will be on Tuesday, May 10th.  Thank you for your understanding.

Updated April 29th


What's New?


The grade two's did an amazing job sharing their learning at our IBam celebration yesterday!  A big thank you to all those that were able to come and check it out!


We will be heading to St. Michael Church on Tuesday, May 10th for our First Communion Retreat.  We will be leaving the school at 8:45am and heading back at 1:45pm.  I will be sending home a permission slip and informational letter on Monday, May 2nd.  We will need 3 volunteers to come with us to the church. 
There will not be any more half-day Thursday's so please ensure your child has a full lunch and make any necessary child care arrangements.
Learning Experiences:
Language Arts:

We have been working so hard on preparing for Reader's Theatre and have decided that our big performance will be on Friday, May 6th at 1:15pm.  All families are welcome!
We have been learning about different cultures and will be wrapping this unit up in the next week or so.  There will be a short quiz (TBA) and we will be celebrating the cultures of our own class at Culture Day.  Culture Day will be on Thursday, May 12th.  The students will need to bring in something from home that represents their culture.  Please note, if you send food, we have a seafood allergy.  Thanks for your cooperation!
We will be starting our new unit on insects and small flying and crawling creatures.  This unit coincides with our IB unit called Nature's Creature's.  We will be looking specifically at bees and learning about the issue surrounding their endangerment. 
We’ve begun our new unit on Sacraments.  We will be looking specifically at the Sacrament of Communion and the parts of the mass.  We will learn the prayers that are said during mass, so that we are prepared for our First Communion retreat at St. Michael Church, which takes place on May 10th. 
We’re completing our unit on nutrition and will be beginning the next unit on volunteerism.  The students will be assigned jobs in the school and learn the importance of volunteering.

Important Dates:
Wed. May 4th - Class Picture Day & Hat Day to support mental health (I would suggest sending the hat with your child and they can wear it after pictures)
Fri. May 6th - Reader's Theatre Performance - 1:15pm in our classroom
Tues. May 10th - Retreat to St. Michael Church
Thurs. May 12th - Culture Day Celebration @ 1:00pm
Have a great weekend and email me if you have any questions :)

Updated April 21st

What's New?
We've been working so hard on our water unit and cannot wait to share our learning with family and friends on Thursday, April 28th in our classroom from 10:45am - 11:45am - we hope to see you all there! 
Please ensure you and your child are completing the water use survey as it needs to be completed and handed in by Tuesday, April 26th.  We will be analyzing the results in class.
Today was so busy that we didn't have time for our spelling quiz, so it has been postponed until tomorrow - I apologize for the inconvenience.

If you're able, please send your child to school with poster paper for our water posters - we need them by Tuesday of next week.
Please see learning experiences from last week.
Important Dates:
Mon. April 25th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!!
Thurs. April 28th - Grade 2 IBam - 10:45 - 11:45 in our classroom - All families welcome!
Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have :)

Updated April 14th

What's New?
The Annie musical is fast approaching - please ensure you purchase your tickets beforehand to ensure a guaranteed seat!!
The last half-day Thursday is on April 28th, so please ensure you pack your child a full lunch over the months of May and June.
Language Arts:
The students are working hard on practicing their Reader's Theatre performances - a performance date will be set some time next week.
The students are working very hard at creating their very own water comics!
Our next spelling quiz will be on Thursday, April 21st.  The students will be tested on the following words: made, more, down, over, use, ride
The students have been extremely busy conducting experiments and analyzing the results.  They have been inquiring into different ways that they can save water and are learning about why it is so important to conserve water.  The students will have to complete an at-home assignment (handout will be given out tomorrow) where they will be required to keep track of how their family uses water at home.  They can keep track of their families' use of water with tally marks or checkmarks.  They will bring their results back to school on Tuesday, April 26th.  They will then have to analyze their results and come up with the best possible way for their family to save water. 
We are continuing to learn about the cultural characteristics of Iqaluit, Metghan and Saskatoon.  We will be comparing special symbols, landmarks, languages spoken, traditions, monuments, schools, churches etc., and comparing them with our own.
The grade 2′s are  learning about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise and we will examine the need for positive health habits and learn how they can affect our overall well-being.
We will be learning about the Sacrament of First Communion and learning about the prayers and symbols of the church. 
Important Dates:
Mon. April 25th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!!
Thurs. April 28th - Grade 2 IBam - 10:45 - 11:45 in our classroom - All families welcome!
Please email me with any questions or concerns you may have :)

Updated March 22nd

What's New?
Thanks to all the parents that made it to parent/teacher interviews.  I think communication is the key to success and is an essential part of teaching and learning.
Easter break starts on Thursday, March 22nd at noon and school resumes on Mon. April 4th.  Please ensure you make any necessary child care arrangements.
Learning Experiences:

Language Arts:
We will be creating our very own comics!  We will also begin to rehearse our Reader's Theatre Presentations - I hope to perform for parents and families by the end of April/early May - depending on readiness.
Spelling words:  been, other, them, their, new, find - the quiz will be on Tues. April 5th.

We will continue to learn about the culture and traditions of Meteghan, Saskatoon and Iqaluit as well as look at our own cultures.

We will continue to learn about liquids and inquire into the idea that water is a finite resource.  We will be looking at ways to spread awareness and help to save water.  The grade 2's will be presenting their knowledge at their IBam presentation, which will be on Thursday, April 28th from 10:45 to 11:45am.  More info to follow...

We are finishing up our unit on Lent.

We are continuing to learn about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise.

Important Dates:

Thurs. March 24th - 10:00am - Holy Thursday Liturgy - NOON DISMISSAL

Fri. March 25th - April 3rd - EASTER BREAK - NO SCHOOL

Mon. Apr. 4th - School Resumes

Mon. April 25th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!

Thurs. April 28th - Gr. 2 IBam - 10:45 - 11:45am in our classroom

Updated March 11th

What's New?

The St. Michael Open House was a huge success!  Thanks to all those who helped put it all together! 

Progress Reports went home today.  Please go over them with your child and celebrate their successes!  Conference Manager is open tomorrow morning, so please remember to book your interviews.

New spelling words will be given next week.

Please see last weeks' post for learning experiences.

If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone.
Have a great weekend :)

Updated March 3rd

Please Note: I made a mistake in one of the spelling words, the word 'when' has been replaced with 'who'.  The spelling quiz will be on Thursday, March 10th instead of Tuesday.  Thanks for your understanding.
Updated March 1st
What's New?

Progress Reports go home next Friday, so make sure you book your interviews!
It's St. Patrick's Day on Thursday, March 17th.  If you like, you can build a trap with your child and send it to school with them by Wednesday, March 16th.

Language Arts:
We’ve been working on sentence structure and punctuation.  We will continue to practice these skills over the next week or so through various activities and literacy centers.  We will be having a spelling test next Tuesday, March 8th on the following words: where, when, would, could, which, these

The students have started their unit on 2D and 3D shapes.  The students are required to describe the charactistics of each and analyze the relationships among them. 

We will continue to learn about culture and will also be inquiring into traditions and past contributions.

The students will learn about the nature of liquids and the interactions of liquids with other liquids.  They will learn that some liquids are impervious to liquids, while some are absorbant and some liquids mix readily, while others do not.  They will also learn about the 3 states of water.  This unit ties in with our IB unit, ‘Save Water, Save the Planet’ and through these units, the students will learn that water is our most important liquid, we use water in many ways and we cannot live without water; water is essential to life.

We will be reading gospel stories about Lent and look specifically at forgiveness and learn about why it is such an important virtue.

We will continue to learn about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise and we will examine the need for positive health habits and learn how they can affect our overall well-being.  We will also be starting our ‘Healthy Snack Challenge’ on Friday, March 4th.  The students are encouraged to bring healthy snacks for a month!  At the end of the challenge, the students will receive an award for healthy eating.

Important Dates:

Fri. March 4th - Healthy Snack Challenge starts

Thurs. March 10th - Open House from 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Wed. March 16th - Leprechaun traps due at school (optional)

Thurs. March 17th - Parent/teacher interviews 4:00 - 7:00pm

Fri. March 18th - Parent/teacher interviews 9:00am - 3:00pm

Thurs. March 24th - 10:00am - Holy Thursday Liturgy - NOON DISMISSAL

Fri. March 25th - April 3rd - EASTER BREAK - NO SCHOOL

Mon. Apr. 4th - School Resumes

Updated February 18th
What's New?
For all those families that were planning to attend movie night tomorrow evening, it has been cancelled and will be postponed until April.  More information will be provided closer to the date.

Language Arts:
We are working on sentence structure and building paragraphs.  Any extra help with punctuation will help your child immensely. 

Our spelling words for the week are: many, eat, here, some, each, about.  The quiz will be on Tuesday, Feb. 23rd.
We will be focusing on learning about the letter 'Y' as a vowel.

We will continue to work on our unit on temperature.  I hope to be done this unit by the end of February.

We will continue to learn about culture and will also be inquiring into traditions and past contributions.

We are continuing to learn about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise. 

We will be learning about Lent and Easter and their significance in the Catholic Faith..

Important Dates:
Thurs. March 10th - Open House from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Thurs. March 17th - P/T Interviews -4:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri. March 18th - P/T Interviews - 9:00am - 3:00pm
Thurs. March 24th - Easter Break - students get out at noon.
Mon. April 4th - School resumes
Updated February 5th

What's New?

Our spelling quiz for the words: called, that, then, thing, nice, and funny will be on Monday, Feb. 8th.

It is Shrove Tuesday next week and parent council will be cooking up pancakes for everyone to eat - thank you parent council :)
Since next week is a short week and Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Tuesday afternoon.

Here is a list of students in the class if your child wants to make Valentine's Day cards:
Fares, Mylani, Fouad, Zuzanna, Sofia, Lana, Maming, Kyzel, Aisha, Anne, Yeshurun, Matthew, Emmanuel, Nadine, Tristan, Connor, Zinnia, Chase, Kira, Justin, Elsa, Athena
Please see learning experiences from last week as we will continue on with last weeks' concepts.

Important Dates:
Tues. Feb. 9th - Shrove Tuesday/Valentine's Day party
Wed. Feb. 10th - Ash Wednesday Liturgy @11:00am in the gym - all families are welcome!
Thurs. Feb.11th - Fri. Feb. 12th - Teacher's Convention - NO SCHOOL!
Mon. Feb 15th - Family Day - NO SCHOOL!
Tues. Feb. 16th - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!

Have a great weekend!

Updated January 29th

What's New?
The students have been so busy with International Week; they've participated in Cabane a Sucre, the PYP Art Walk, watched a presentation on sound, and from Constable Deng and learned about his life as a 'Lost Boy'.

We finally finished our bullying video!  I apologize for the resolution, I tried my best!  I just want you to know that the entire content is purely student created.  I split the class into groups and assigned each group a question.  The group had to come up with responses to the question and then choose the statements that they felt were most impactful.  I then recorded each of them and made (attempted to make) a video.  I'm so proud of them, it turned out great!


Learning Experiences:

Language Arts:
We will be learning 'le' blends at the end of words and working with the following sight words: called, that, then, thing, nice, funny
The students will be reading Valentine's Day stories and writing a cinquain.

Over the month of January we will be examining the Space and Shape outcomes of the Alberta Curriculum.  Students will move towards the following outcomes.  Relating numbers of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a problem-solving context.  Relating the size of a unit of measure to the number of units used to measure length and mass.  Comparing and order objects by length, height, distance around and mass, using nonstandard units, and make statements of comparison.  Measuring length to the nearest nonstandard unit by using multiple copies of a unit and using a single copy of a unit.  Demonstrating that changing the orientation of an object does not alter the measurements of its attributes.    

We are continuing to learn about temperature and the effects temperature has on the decisions of human beings.  Next week, we'll be looking specifically at heat/cold safety and learning how houses are heated.

We'll be looking at the cultures and ways of life of the people in Saksatoon, Iqaluit and Meteghan and comparing them to that of our own.

We are continuing to learn about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise.

We're beginning our new unit on Lent and will start brainstorming Lenten promises over the next couple weeks.

Important Dates:
Wed. Feb. 10th - Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 1:15pm in the gym - all families are welcome!
Thurs. Feb. 11th - Teacher's Convention - NO SCHOOL!
Fri. Feb. 12th - Teacher's Convention - NO SCHOOL!!
Mon. Feb.15th - Family Day - NO SCHOOL!!
Tues. Feb. 16th - PD Day - NO SCHOOL!!

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me via email @

Updated January 25th
Due to International Week, our spelling quiz will not be until Friday, January 29th.  Please see previous entries for learning experiences.
For International Week, the PYP's have been working hard on creating art inspired by different cultures.  Here's a video that documents the process - enjoy!


Updated January 15th

What's New?
I found an excellent link to help parents enhance homework at home! Go to the following link and click on ‘Free Homework Help’

New words for next week are: story, make, morning, night, afternoon

Have a great weekend :)

Updated January 8th

What's New?
Our spelling words for next week are: when, happy, upon, once, time.  Our quiz will be on Friday, January 15th.  I'm also going to choose words that we have previously learned, so please ensure that you continue to review all words on a regular basis.  The students are expected to use the correct spelling of words that we have already learned, in their writing, and reviewing them consistently is strongly encouraged.  Regularly reviewing sight words is very beneficial to your child when they are writing in class in that time will not be wasted looking for the correct spelling of words and more time can be spent on the meat and potatoes of their writing.  I have sent home a list of words that the students should know by this point in grade 2.  Please review these daily until your child has mastered them.
We will be learning the following final consonant blends next week:
_st, _nd, _nt, _lp, _sp, _sc, _mp, _sk, _lt, _lk, _lf 

Over the month of January we will be examining the Space and Shape outcomes of the Alberta Curriculum.  Students will move towards the following outcomes.  Relating numbers of days to a week and the number of months to a year in a problem-solving context.  Relating the size of a unit of measure to the number of units used to measure length and mass.  Comparing and order objects by length, height, distance around and mass, using nonstandard units, and make statements of comparison.  Measuring length to the nearest nonstandard unit by using multiple copies of a unit and using a single copy of a unit.  Demonstrating that changing the orientation of an object does not alter the measurements of its attributes.   

We will continue to learn about temperature. Next week, we will be looking specifically at thermometers and learning how to use them.  We will also be conducting experiments to learn about the effects of adding heat to chocolate chips and sugar.

We will be looking at the geography of Canada; specifically, Calgary, Saskatoon, Meteghan and Iqaluit.  We will inquire into the lives of the people that live there and learn how they are connected to the geographical location of each of the above places.

We will be learning about sharing the gifts that God gave us and striving to be the caring individuals that God intended us to be.

We have finished our unit on expressing feelings and emotions in a positive manner and have begun our unit on health and nutrition. In this unit, we will learn about the benefits of healthy eating and exercise and will examine the need for positive health habits and learn how they can affect our overall well-being.  We will also be starting our ‘Healthy Snack Challenge’ some time at the end of February/beginning of March.  The students will be encouraged to bring healthy snacks for a month!  At the end of the challenge, the students will receive an award for healthy eating.

Important Dates:
Tues. Jan. 12th - Danceworks auditions from 3:20 - 4:00pm in room 107 (For students from grade 3 to 9)
Fri. Jan. 22nd - Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!
Mon. Jan 23rd - International Week
Wed. Jan 27th - Superheroes of Sound - In the gym for PYP students from 9:00am to 10:00am.
Have a great week :)

Updated January 5th

What's New?

Welcome back!  I hope that everyone had a restful break and is ready to get back into the swing of things.  This week, we are transitioning back into our routines and procedures.  The students will be reviewing blending sounds and sight words, writing journal entries and learning about Epiphany.  Please check back on Friday, January 8th for a more detailed entry on what is coming up in the following weeks. 

Updated December 14th

What's New?

The students have been busy learning about the Christmas Story and the true meaning of Christmas.  They have learned about Christmas customs and traditions celebrated by people around the world and we have discussed the traditions celebrated by our own families.

We will be going on Christmas break in a few days and will be off for about 2 weeks (school resumes on January 4th - please scroll down to view important dates).  I would appreciate it if you encouraged your child to continue to read every day as well as reviewing the sight words and blending sounds learned thus far.

I just wanted to remind everyone of the noon dismissal on Friday - please make any necessary arrangements.

I would like to decorate gingerbread cookies with the students on Wednesday afternoon.  If your are able, please send your child to school with any of the following: gingerbread men, icing, candy.  I will supply the remainder of whatever is short.

We are making Christmas cards for the homeless as our social justice activity.  The students agreed that it would be very nice to be able to put a smile on the faces of those that are less fortunate.  These will be completed by the end of the week and I will mail them out on Friday after school.

If you'd like to come in to help with us with making Christmas ornaments or decorating gingerbread cookies, please email me at  We will be making Christmas ornaments on Tuesday from 1:00 - 1:45pm and will be doing the cookies Wednesday from 2:15 - 3:00pm.
The grade 2's will be presenting the Advent Liturgy on Friday at 10:00am.  If your child is reading, please help them to practice reading clearly and with expression.

Important Dates:

Tues. Dec. 15th - Making Christmas ornaments from 1:00 - 1:45pm
Wed. Dec. 16th - Decorating gingerbread cookies from 2:15 - 3:00pm
Fri. Dec. 18th - Advent liturgy in the gym at 10:00am - all families welcome!
Fri. Dec. 18th - NOON DISMISSAL - Christmas break begins!
Mon. Jan. 4th - SCHOOL RESUMES


Updated December 4th

What's New?
December is a busy time and we may not be on schedule for introducing new spelling words, so please check my teacher page for updates.  We have a few crafts that are coming up and will be needing supplies.  Please see next week's post for details.
Please stay tuned for our anti-bullying video - it's in production!

Language Arts:
We're finalizing our letters to Santa Claus and will begin our novel study on the book, Polar Express, by Chris Van Allsburg. 

Math: The students are adding and subtracting single and double digit numbers without regrouping.

Science: We will continue to learn about temperature and will begin our new IB unit, 'Hot, Cold, Just Right'.  The students will inquire into how temperature affects decisions and adaptations of living things.

Social: We will be inquiring into the climate of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan and learn how each is impacted by its geographical location.  

Health:  We will continue to learn about emotions and feelings and learn how to express them in a positive manner. 

Religion:  We are learning about Advent and the students will be reproducing their own versions of the Christmas Story.

Important Dates:
Wed. Dec. 9th - Advent celebration at St. Michael Church @ 7:00pm
Fri. Dec. 18th - Advent liturgy in the gym at 10:00am - all families welcome!
Fri. Dec. 18th - NOON DISMISSAL - off until January 4th

Updated November 20th

What's New?

The grade 2's have been working so hard on completing their tasks for our anti-bullying video.  We have discussed, and learned all week about bullying, and feel that we can spread awareness by creating our own inspirational video.  I cannot wait to share it with all of you!!  As soon as it is complete, I will post it on my teacher page, so stay tuned!!

Language Arts:
Our spelling quiz will be on Monday and will include the words: away, saw, animal as well as words previously learned.

Math: The students are continuing to learn about numbers 1 - 50.  You can assist your child in this unit by practicing skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.  You can talk about even and odd numbers as well as more and less.

Science: We will continue to learn about temperature and will begin our new IB unit, 'Hot, Cold, Just Right'.  The students will inquire into how temperature affects decisions and adaptations of living things.

Social: We will be inquiring into the climate of Iqaluit, Saskatoon and Meteghan and learn how each is impacted by its geographical location.  

Health:  We will continue to learn about emotions and feelings and learn how to express them in a positive manner. 

Religion: We will be starting a new unit on Advent.

Important Dates:
Thurs. Nov. 26th - Parent/teacher conferences from 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri. Nov. 27th - Parent/teacher conferences from 9:00am - 3:00pm
Wed. Dec. 9th - Advent celebration at St. Michael Church @ 7:00pm
Fri. Dec. 18th - Advent liturgy in the gym at 10:00am - all families welcome!
Fri. Dec. 18th - NOON DISMISSAL
Have a wonderful weekend :)

Updated November 13th

What's New?

The weather is getting colder, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately.  If you do not have access to winter clothes, please send me an email and I can assist you with finding some warm clothes.

It's anti-bullying week in Canada next week and we will be covering this topic in class.  I would appreciate it if you reiterated how important it is to stop bullying outside of class as well!
Here is a link to a really good resource for anti-bullying:

* PLEASE NOTE* - The following is a fantastic website that is specifically geared towards grade 2 curriculum requirements - check it out!

Language Arts:
We will be learning the words: animal, saw, away.
We will be working on the following blends: br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, tw, shr, thr, str, scr, spr.  It is imperative that the students are able to read all the sight words we've learned thus far with no problems as the work will be getting more difficult very soon.  If you'd like, I can send your child home with flash cards of all the sight words we've learned so far.  You can also go and purchase index cards and have the students make their own flash cards.  They should be able to read each word quickly and be able to use it appropriately in a sentence.  I also suggest practicing the blends that we have learned as this will make reading that much easier.

Sight words we have learned thus far include: are, all, after, friend, friends, have, home, people, run, said, they, there, three, want, went, were, will, went, what, with, your, animal, saw, away.

Blends that we have learned thus far include: ing, ang, ong, ung, ink, ank, unk, onk, st, sm, sn, sp, sl, sw, sk, sc, cl, fl, bl, pl, gl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, tw, shr, thr, str, scr, spr.

Math: The students are continuing to learn about numbers 1 - 50.  You can assist your child in this unit by practicing skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's.  You can talk about even and odd numbers as well as more and less.

Science: We will begin our new unit on Hot and Cold temperatures.  The students will be learning that materials are sometimes changed by heating or cooling; they will learn how to read a thermometer; they will understand the temperature our bodies need to be at to function and finally, they will learn about the different ways that we can heat a building.

Social: We will be sharing our landscape pictures with the class and reflecting on what others view as beautiful.  We are also looking into 3 dynamic communities in Canada: Prairie, Acadian and Inuit.

Health:  We will continue to learn about emotions and feelings and learn how to express them in a positive manner. 

Religion: We're learning about Saints and the importance Saints in our own lives.

Important Dates:
Thurs. Nov. 26th - Parent/teacher conferences from 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri. Nov. 27th - Parent/teacher conferences from 9:00am - 3:00pm
Have a wonderful weekend - please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns @

Updated November 6th
*Please note* - We will be adding the following spelling words next week: run, three.  Our quiz will be on Tuesday.
Please see learning experiences from earlier this week.

Check out our video on friendship!!

Have a great weekend :)

Updated November 3rd

What's New?
The students will be focusing on our IB unit, ‘Our Country is Beautiful’ and inquiring into the ways that people express and appreciate beauty.  If you have any landscape pictures of Canada, songs or poems that illustrate Canada’s beauty, or stories about the land, please send them to school with your child to share with the class.
It is starting to get a little cooler outside, so please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. 

Language Arts:
We're working on blending 's' and 'l' as well as reviewing our spelling words from last week.  The quiz will be on Friday.

The students are continuing to learn about numbers 1 - 50.

We will be studying various forms of work that exemplify Canada’s beautiful landforms.  The students will be choosing which form they most connect with and will then create their own piece of work that illustrates the beauty of their chosen location.

The students will be reflecting on what they learned in our unit on magnets.

We will begin a new unit that deals with understanding feelings and emotions. 

We will be looking at stories in the bible and learning about the importance of God’s word.

Important Dates:

Fri. Nov2nd – Faith Day – NO CLASSES!
Mon. Nov. 9th – Remembrance Day Liturgy at 10:30am in the gym. All families are welcome to join!
Wed. Nov. 11th – Remembrance Day – NO CLASSES!
Fri. Nov. 20th – Photo Retakes
Thurs. Nov. 26th - Parent/teacher conferences from 4:00pm - 7:00pm
Fri. Nov. 27th - Parent/teacher conferences from 9:00am - 3:00pm

Updated October 23rd

What's New?

MYP students are busy raising money to help countries in need for their social justice projects.  One group of students is trying to raise money to buy self-care products for the children in Brazil and another group is holding a bake sale to raise money for children in the Philippines.  If you're able, please send your child to school with money to donate to one of these generous missions.


Updated October 19th

PLEASE NOTE: We now have access to raz kids, which is an online, differentiated reading and comprehension program.  When logging on, please go to
The username is: stmichael1
The password is: catholic
Go to students and find your name!  If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me via email.

Updated October 16th
What's New?

It's picture day on Monday!

We have library on Monday!

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  One of the students' cell phone went missing today.  Please do NOT send your child to school with anything valuable.  Also, could you please look out for any electronics that may not belong to you and let me know if you find it.  Thanks :)

Language Arts:
We have been working with short vowel sounds and then blending the short vowel sounds with the endings ng and nk.  We will continue to work on these sounds next week. 
We will also be learning the following sight words next week: family, people, there and here.  The spelling quiz will be on Tuesday, October 27th.  I will be testing 8 words in total and will be choosing the words based on previous words as well as new words, so please ensure you are consistently reviewing the sight words with your child.

The students are continuing to learn about numbers 1 - 50.

We will inquire into magnets through centers and we will be creating our very own magnet books based on our newly acquired knowledge.

We will begin our next IB unit called, ‘Our Country is beautiful’.  The students will learn that people express and appreciate the geographical beauty of the world in different ways.

We finished our unit on Friendship and will begin a new unit on Belonging, next week.

We will continue to work on being responsible and organized in grade 2.

Important Dates:
Mon. Oct. 19th - Picture Day - Library

Have a wonderful weekend :)

Updated October 14th

For the social quiz, students need to name/draw 4 Canadian symbols, locate and name Calgary, Alberta on a map, name the country we live in and designate the cardinal directions.  We went through all of the questions on the quiz as a class, so the students should be more than prepared for tomorrow :)
Updated October 13th

Please note: Due to an overwhelming number of students that are not prepared, the spelling quiz will be postponed until tomorrow, October 14th. 

Please note: Please see the change in learning experiences for math (in October 7th's post)

Updated October 7th

What's New?

Hello grade 2 families!
We had a great start to our Home Reading Program and the students have been very vigilant about reading their books at home – keep up the great work! There may be days that I won’t have a chance to change their reading books, so when this happens, please remember the books your child reads at home and add them to the reading log the next day. Thank you for your support with this program!

Learning Experiences:

Language Arts: We have been working on comprehension.  The students have been working through Thanksgiving stories with a partner to practice reading with a purpose.  The students have learned the words: they, said, were, are, have, will, with, went, want and friend.  Please practice spelling these words with your child as there will be a quiz next Tuesday. 

Math: We finished our unit on patterns and will begin a new unit on numbers 1 – 50 this week. 

Science: We have been learning how to use our senses to observe and collect data.  We will continue to practice these skills  next week.

Social: We will continue to inquire about Canadian symbols.  So far, we have explored symbols such as the Canadian flag, the beaver, Canadian goose, the loon, RCMP, the schooner ship and the sport of hockey.

Religion: We have completed our individual friendship activities and we’re ready to put them all together to make a friendship movie.  When it is completed, I will put up a link, so that you can view it from home.

Health: We’re learning about organization and responsibilities.  We have discussed the responsibilities of a grade 2 student and the students have begun to take accountability for their behaviours.  This is being reiterated through our stick program.  The idea is, that if an essential agreement is ignored, a warning will be issued.  If misbehaviour continues, a stick will be placed on the students’ desk.  They have a chance to earn their stick back by fixing their behaviour.  If misbehaviour continues, they will continue to loose sticks and will have to record it in their agenda.  This teaches the student accountability and allows for parents to be kept in the loop, so that we can work together to ensure success for your child.  The essential agreements of our classroom were written as a class, with the idea that student success is dependent on following them. 
Our essential agreements are as follows:
  1. Walk in school
  2. Raise your hand to speak
  3. Respect others and yourself
  4. Do your best
  5. Keep your hands/feet to yourself
  6. Use indoor voices
  7. Listen to ALL teachers, the first time
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at

Important Dates:
Wed. Oct. 7th – Thanksgiving Liturgy- 1:15pm- Gym
Fri. Oct. 9th- Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!
Mon. Oct. 12th- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Day
Mon. Oct. 19th- Picture Day

Updated September 27th

Grade 2 did a great job raising money for the Terry Fox Foundation.  A big thank you to all those families that sent in donations - we brought in over $50.00!!  Everyone ran their little hearts out to support Terry Fox’s wish to cure cancer - well done!

Learning Experiences:

Language Arts/IB- Last week the students chose one educational wish for the year and we wrote our wishes on paper and then put them in a time capsule. As a class, we will store them in our classroom and open them together in JuneThis week, the students will create a career goal and decide what they might need to do to attain their goal. 

I have passed out books for our home reading program.  Please read the book with your child, ask them questions to ensure comprehension, and then sign the insert.  Please indicate if the book is too easy or difficult for your child and I will accommodate their new level accordingly.  Your continued encouragement at home will be most beneficial to the success of this program.

Math- We are working on patterns. A good practice website is Practice using number patterns as well as picture patterns.

Social Studies- We are learning about the Provinces and Territories in Canada and Canadian Symbols.  If you have any Canadian symbols at home, please feel free to send them with your child to school to share with the class.

Science- The students are learning the basic steps of the scientific process as well as learning how to ask good questions. They are well on their way to becoming ‘mad’ scientists!

Religion – We will inquire into the gift of friendship. We will brainstorm what a good friend is and make our own friendship book.
Important Dates:
Fri. Oct. 2nd - I am away
Wed. Oct. 7th Thanksgiving Liturgy- 10:30am- In the gym - All families are welcome to join!
Fri. Oct. 9th Professional Day - NO SCHOOL!
Mon. Oct. 12th- NO SCHOOL- Thanksgiving Day
Mon. Oct. 19th – Picture Day
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to phone me at the school:
(403-500-2021), or email me at

Updated September 22nd

What's New?

We'll be doing our annual run for Terry Fox on Friday, September 25th and the students and teachers will be running laps with the hopes of 'getting Terry home'.  The school is raising money for cancer, so if you are able, please send your child to school with a toonie for Terry!

Updated September 14th

The grade 2’s have started their first IB unit, ‘When You Wish Upon a Star’. The students will learn that people set and achieve goals in different ways. The students will inquire into Terry Fox and learn how his personal goals made him a hero.

We will be starting a home reading program next week where your child will be encouraged to read as much they can in order to improve their literacy. Your continued encouragement at home will be most beneficial to the success of this program.

The following websites are URL’s to educational programs that will enhance learning in grade 2:

Important dates in September:

Wed. Sept. 16th - 5:30 pm - Volunteer Orientation/6:00pm - School Council

Thurs. Sept. 17 - Welcome Event 5:00pm – 5:30pm
Parent/teacher interviews 4:00pm – 5pm & 5:30pm - 7:00pm 
I look forward to meeting everyone!

Fri. Sept. 18th – Parent/teacher interviews: 9:00am-11:30am and 1:00pm-3:00pm.

Tues. Sept. 21st – Professional Development Day - NO SCHOOL!!

Wed. Sept. 23rd– 6:30pm - IB University

Fri. Sept. 25th – School Opening Mass @ 10:00am at St. Michael Church – all families are welcome to join!  Terry Fox run in the afternoon!

Have a wonderful week :)

Updated August 31st

Welcome to Grade 2!
I am so excited to begin another year in grade 2! For those families that are new to St. Michael, I have been a teacher here for 5 years. I love the sense of community that is present here at St. Michael and I am so excited to begin a new journey with all of you! We're going to have a FANTASTIC year together!

Here is a preview of what we will be covering in grade 2:

I look forward to meeting everyone tomorrow!

Shannon Bass